How To Choose The Right Wall-Mounted Toilet

It can be challenging to choose the proper design for your bathroom’s toilet. Every bathroom would look amazing with a wall-hung toilet. 


As its name implies, the toilet pan physically hooks to the wall. It may serve as the centerpiece of any contemporary bathroom and provide useful advantages like being simpler to clean.


In this article, you’ll learn the features and aspects to look for when choosing the right wall-mounted toilet. So, let’s start. 

Look For The Aesthetic!


If you want to provide your bathroom with a crisp, modern look, a wall-mounted toilet is an appealing, streamlined, and space-saving solution. Floor-mounted alternatives do not have the unsightly tank that the others have. 


Today’s restroom architecture and technology now heavily rely on wall-hung toilets. They continue to provide a level of flair, functionality, and convenience that hardly any other models on the marketplace can match.


Wall-hung toilets on the market are more pragmatic and have a boxy, antique look (think public restrooms). Yet, most of these options have a modern design that can intrigue most individuals. 


Each person must determine the style they want to create for their bathroom, as bathroom design is essentially a question of personal preference.

The Right Wall-Mounted Toilet Will Be Easier To Clean!


Wall-mount toilet seats are simpler to clean because there isn’t an exposed trapway. Installing a wall-hung toilet in your residence will also help you avoid odour-causing obstructions and possible safety hazards. 


Your toilet’s location plays a crucial role in selling your house in the future. Wall-hung toilets frequently provide the impression that you maintain a modern bathroom that is spotless and tidy.

Look For Wall-Mounted Toilets With Plumbing Options


Most wall-hung toilets will already have a built-in cistern (tank). Thus all they require are waste and cold water lines. If they don’t include one, you can use an adapter kit to fit it yourself. Use an elongated toilet if there is room because taller people may find them more comfortable. 


Moreover, there should be two lugs on either side of the toilet to keep it from sliding off the brackets or wall studs already installed.

Choose The Wall-Hung Toilet That Best Fits Your Toilet Requirements!


Bathrooms mounted to the wall are a great option if your bathroom is tiny. Other bathroom requirements can fit underneath the toilet, which is positioned against or on an exterior wall. 


It’s crucial to select a wall-hung toilet that will work with the requirements of your particular bathroom because not all of them are created equal.

Make Sure The Wall-Hung Toilet Is ADA Compliant


Accessibility for people with mobility issues is improved by the ADA guidelines’ recommendation for a lower seat height. You can mount floating toilets 15 to 19 inches off the ground for residential or business installations. It must be installed now and cannot be modified without removing the wall.

Wall-Mounted Toilets Protect Your Hands From Germ Contact


To maintain their suspension from walls and leave a space between them and floors, wall-mounted toilets have been built in this fashion. This lessens the likelihood of accidental hand contact with the toilet handles. 


Thus, the best wall-mounted toilet is necessary for the bathroom of individuals who are always concerned about hygiene. 

Conclusion: Get The Best Wall-Mounted Toilet From Kohler!


Several wall-mounted toilet models are constructed to adhere to the EPA’s WaterSense guidelines for water conservation, and Kohler models are among them. 


As the pioneer in this technology field, Kohler offers cutting-edge wall-hung toilet models at affordable prices. It also provides some practical, contemporary wall-mounted designs.


The wide range of stunning, attractive wall-hung toilets with seat covers offered by Kohler is a truly practical sanitary that improves the atmosphere of the restroom.