Which colours will have the best impact when selling my home?

When selling your home, you want to make as much profit as you can right? Well, did you know that paint is the most affordable way to add big value to your home? This only rings true if your paintwork is of good quality and you choose the right colours.

So which ones are going to make the best impact when selling your home? In this post, we’ll share everything you need to know.

With the market as hot as it is right now, making even minor improvements can add big bucks to your home. As well as choosing the right colours, it’s important that you do the following things if you want to make the greatest impression on your potential buyers:

  1. Ensure that you finish the painting work that you start. There is nothing less appealing than a house that has paint that has been half done. This can be a deterrent to potential buyers, seeing a home that needs a new paint job equals time and money, and some can’t be bothered dealing with this.
  2. Avoid using polarising colours or too many bright colours. When people walk through a home, many will envision themselves and their belongings being in the house. If the colours are over the top or not appealing, some people may not put an offer in because of it. Yes, some people can look past the colour of paints you’ve chosen however, some people can’t, and when you are selling, you want to appeal to the widest audience possible so it’s smart not to make this mistake.
  3. Use the correct technique and paints. Your paintwork must look good, if it doesn’t you may make your home look worse than it did before you started painting. Some ways you can do this are by using the right paint for the job, the right equipment and by preparing the area first. For example, painting over dust and cobwebs will see them mix in with the paint, and it will become almost impossible to remove them. This can impact the finish of your paint and not in a good way.
  4. Always get a few sample paints before completing your paintwork. Sometimes paint appears different on certain surfaces or in different lighting. It’s best to apply a few different colours as a patch test and see what they look like at different times of the day. From here, you can make your choice.
  5. Stick with a few paint colours, not a variety. Sometimes less is more, and when it comes to repainting your home to sell, this is definitely the case. Ensure that the colours you choose complement each other and pre-plan where they’ll go before you start painting.
  6. If you can’t afford to repaint your entire house, the exterior, kitchen and bathrooms are the main ones that you should focus on. It is no secret that bathrooms and kitchens sell homes.

A breakdown of the best colours for each area of the house to make the best impact


Some popular colours for home exteriors include:

  1. Greys

Grey is an all-around appealing colour. Two of the most favoured shade tends to be charcoal grey and a very pale grey.

  1. Whites and creams

Whites and creams are very popular house colours, this is because it essentially is a blank canvas and prospective home buyers can envision themselves there or any changes they’d like to make if any. Whites are crisp and give a home a clean and vibrant look.


People want the kitchen to look and feel hygienic. Some good colours for this are:

  1. White

White is crisp and clean.

  1. Light blue

Light blues also give off a clean feeling.

  1. Charcoal grey

If you like darker coloured kitchens, charcoal grey is a winner.

It’s important to consider the existing colour of the kitchen benches and cabinetry and whether they’ll match your paint choice. You can even paint your cabinetry if it’s old and outdated using a specialised paint. This is a great alternative to replacing the entire kitchen, and it can add value to your home too.

The bathroom

The bathroom is the one place in the home that can get away with a bit of colour however if you want to add colour it should be through your tile choices rather than the paint you use. For paint in a bathroom, it’s better to stick with neutral colours such as white.

Loungeroom, dining and bedrooms

For selling purposes, these rooms are best to be painted white or a similar neutral colour. Again, it might not be what you would prefer but you are trying to present your home to appeal to as many buyers as possible and using a colour such as white is a smart way to do this.

Hire a professional painter

Painting a house looks like a quick and easy task although it can be quite time-consuming. If you are moving and selling your home, it pays to hire a professional gold coast painter. This will free up your time and ensure you get a high-quality finish at the end of it. If you are looking for an exceptional painting team that can transform your home before selling, contact us here at MDC Specialists. We can work with you to come up with a colour combination that will see you achieve maximum return for your investment.